God Will Make A Way Ministries
Loving orphans by helping people adopt

About us

Steven and Chelsea Stern didn't set out to run a non-profit.

The Stern family with their adopted children

They were just a young, married couple who had their lives radically altered through the power of adoption. In 2013, they adopted their son, Samuel, through a private, domestic adoption. In 2018, they quadrupled their number of children through an international adoption of three sisters in Colombia: Valeri, Adriana, and Dulce Maria.

“Taking on an international adoption of a group of siblings was a huge mental and financial hurdle. For a long time, the total cost of adoption seemed insurmountable. We realized we had to trust that since God was calling us, he would also equip us with the necessary resources. That’s when the church stepped up in a powerful and beautiful way to help. The church held a dessert auction where others baked the desserts, invited their friends and family to the church fundraiser, and bid sacrificially. We saw God’s powerful provision through this event when our church family raised a third of the cost of the adoption!”

Steven and Chelsea Stern

In 2022, Steven began looking for ways to help others with adoption. At the time, he was substitute-teaching to have more involvement with his children while earning a little extra income. His wife, Chelsea, had a wild idea: "What if we used the extra money from subbing to create an adoption grant?" He decided (with encouragement from friend and fellow pastor, Steve Surratt) to create a nonprofit to raise more funds, creating the opportunity to help even more families with adoption. He thought, "Why do alone, what scripture calls us to do together?" Looking after orphans is a Biblical command for the whole church.

That was when God Will Make A Way Ministries was born. Now, they seek faithful church partners to encourage and support adoption grants. The need is HUGE, but the vision is BIGGER. Have you ever heard, "We'd love to adopt BUT, it's just too expensive." GWMAW believes that by being faithful to God's leading, churches can be the eraser that removes the "BUT" and replaces it with the phrase, "AND now churches partnering together around shared faith made a way when it seemed overwhelming!"

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