God Will Make A Way Ministries
Loving orphans by helping people adopt


“Every child should have a family, a place where they belong and are loved…and there are so many couples that want that. It’s a shame for money to stand in the way.”

Carol L., Sullivan, IL

“This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to help prospective parents. This model allows multiple churches [to] come together around a shared biblical principle.”

Jon C., director of business operations for a $5-million non-profit, Charleston, IL

“This is probably one of the best adoption ministry models I’ve ever heard.”

David, campus minister in Central IL

“This is so interesting! This is definitely something important. And it’s something we are passionate about…May God bless!"

Tawnya W., Quad Cities

“So proud of all that you have been doing for this and so glad to be able to partner with you.”

Jessica C., Humboldt, IL

“This is a great ministry 'for such a time as this.' Check it out and consider supporting it.”

Scott M.

“Steven is fulfilling one of the most important callings of the church to house children and bring families together. Helping further fund this passion is not only important for the kids but the parents and families as a whole. What better way for people and churches to come together then to help this ministry.”

Darren L.

"'Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him.' Psalm 127:3. I have never met a heart so engrossed in these words than Steven’s. He not only believes it and lives it but opens the door for others to experience this gift through God Will Make A Way."


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