God Will Make A Way Ministries
Loving orphans by helping people adopt




The ministry of God Will Make A Way Ministries is profoundly practical. It's about believers in Jesus Christ stepping in, bridging the gap between would-be adoptive parents and would-be adoptees around the world. GWMAW is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit dedicated to hitting three essential targets that make a real, tangible difference:

  1. Giving Orphans Their Forever Home—The long-term solution to a child or children without parents isn't an orphanage; it's a family. While some orphanages do amazing work, it is more likely that within a family, a child's individual needs can be met, trauma addressed, mental/physical issues dealt with, and unconditional love shared.
  2. Facilitate Discipleship- (Deuteronomy 6:4-8)-Famously, the Jewish people would repeat the Great Shema in Deuteronomy 6 multiple times per day. Within the surrounding verses, the prayer reminds us that parents have the opportunity and responsibility to invest in the spiritual growth of their children throughout the regular moments in life. At GWMAW we target earthly funds towards parents who have an eternal focus, making a lasting impact on the lives of these children.
  3. Witnessing to the World-(James 1:27)- There are between 350,000 and 400,000 churches in the United States alone. Too often, denominations get into internal squabbles or start fighting about things that aren't salvific. We believe that the Church is meant to be a blessing to the world. This requires that churches unify, link arms, and while having healthy debates, get busy on what is clear within Scripture. At GWMAW, we believe that the Christian witness is improved when we come together (churches and believers) to care for "orphans and widows." When a church congregation has no one adopting, their resources will help believers elsewhere. When they have someone adopting, they receive support from faithful brothers and sisters.

Consider partnering with us through a recurring gift. You can do it right through our website at www.gwmaw.org; hit donate and follow the prompts! Pray for God to keep knitting together orphans and couples. Share our adoption grant application with believers or churches you are connected to.


Sincerely in Christ,

Steven Stern -Pastor & Founder of GWMAW


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