March 2023
March 2023 is turning out to be the moment where preparation meets application. Over the last eight months, we’ve consistently asked you to be in prayer for fundraising, families, and children needing forever homes.
Joyfully, this month we get to share with you how your prayers have been answered and how the Holy Spirit has actively been moving.
First, a few days ago, we received a final total for the Walnut Grove Christian Church Mission Team Fundraiser Auction. After countless hours of service, sacrifice, and donations the rural congregation brought in an amazing $32,593.95 for GWMAW!
Second, we have our first grant recipient! The couple lives in Illinois and is adopting a special needs child from Thailand. They articulated their reason for setting out on this course declaring, “The central focus of our family’s life is to love God and love others. Living in a community with others who share this life purpose is a beautiful blessing. We know it is true that ‘it takes a village to raise a child.’ And we are so thankful for the other members of (our church)…” The goal of GWMAW is to make the local church the hero, to allow them to vouch for their members, pray, and walk alongside them throughout the journey. This is the moment where all the preparation meets application!
Since the couple has been matched with their child, their local church is using St. Patrick’s Day and the GWMAW grant as a catalyst to overcome the financial barriers. On March 19th, they are having a corn beef and cabbage meal and dessert fundraiser. As you put on your green shirt (to avoid being pinched), eat your Irish cuisine, or enjoy a green running river, please say a prayer for this effort! It might be helpful to reflect on part of the famous petition attributed to St. Patrick in 433 A.D. for protection as he attempted to convert the Irish King Laoghaire.
Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ on my right, Christ on my left, Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise, Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me.
Many forget that Patrick wasn’t Irish. He was actually born in Britain, was kidnapped, and made a slave in Ireland, before escaping six years later. After returning home, he felt called to go back to his place of enslavement to share Jesus and preach the Gospel.
Thank you for your part in bringing this preparation to the point of application. We believe that adoption is the Gospel and in less than a year, we are getting to join into a God-sized story. If you are interested in learning more about how your church congregation might put together a fundraiser auction, know a Mission Team interested in learning more about our ministry, or have any questions at all, please give me a call at (309)721-7962 or email me at [Please enable JavaScript.].
Sincerely in Christ,
Pastor Steven Stern
Founder, God Will Make A Way Ministries, Inc.